Italia in analogica: south edition

Special guest of this edition: la Cinquecento.

La Cinquecento.

portrait of grandma grandpa

There is something about this picture that captures my attention every time.  Was it a mistake? The lighting is quite bad. I shouldn’t post it. Oh, lord. This is the stream of consciousness you have (not quite) been waiting for. Sometimes one is longing for getting off the car and turning back. It happens so fast you leave the car lights on, and perhaps the radio too and, as you walk back for a while, you begin to sing the song that keeps playing in your car. 

Securing the goods.

Calabria I.

Calabria II. 

Grandpa’s safe place.

Grandma’s safe place.

Calabria III.

Someone’s safe place.

Someone’s safe place II.

Tra le rughe.

Where was I supposed to belong?

Calabria IV.

Calabria V.

The priest’s backstage I.

The priest’s backstage II.


people of paris.


people of pisa.