August, the fish who couldn’t play the piano but never stopped believing in the ocean.
He was blue and his name was August. He was living in the ocean surrounded by other fishes, but he felt distant from them. August was commonly believed to be quite comical and the entire coral garden would make fun of him. August didn’t feel like a fish. He always wanted to play the piano, but no other fish was capable of it. August was hence not only subdued to the world he was obligated to live in and alienated but also confused and misunderstood. He had a dream to live for and no idea where to start.
That day, August came out of the anemone with a plan. He would have made it to the aquarium of a pianist. A jellyfish indicated to him the way, and, surprisingly, he managed to arrive there where he wanted, covered by a bubble of plastic. The aquarium’s owner was also the owner of about 30 fish. Their home was right next to the piano. August jumped on the instrument that his soul belonged to, holding to all of his strength, only to realize he could play jump on one note at a time.
It was a little an unjust life. He decided to head back to the sea through the same tube with which he reached the pianist’s apartment. He left the plastic bubble behind.
It was quite a long way, and, as he swam, he repeated to himself: “I am the son of the Ocean and the waves won’t overwhelm me. I won’t let them.”
August got lost. He couldn’t find the way back to his anemone. “Whatever,” he thought. He had nothing in common with the others anyway.
It was then he realized, for the first time in his life, August was free.
What would he do with this freedom?
He couldn’t imagine living for himself. He couldn’t help other fishes in becoming equal, and he couldn’t even teach them how to play the piano.
As August kept swimming fast, trying to run outside of his thoughts, he bumped into a fish, his name was Casper.
“Where are you going? I am lost.” - Casper asked.
“I don’t know. We could swim together for a while.”- August replied.
As Casper swam with August side by side, he wasn’t lost anymore.
“I am August. I don’t know where I am going and I can’t play the piano.”
“I am Casper. Have you tried to build a piano?”
August never thought of that. Humans are animals too, if they managed to build musical instruments, so could he.
Casper turned out to be a genius.
They managed to make a piano with rocks and seaweed, and, for the very first time, they felt undestroyable. The piano didn’t have a good sound as the one humans would use, but it was fine. And so was August. He was fine and he had a friend.
He began to believe life could change any day.
August was mad, and madly inspired by his own madness. He was now a pianist, and Casper began to call him “Satie”.